The Bloomers Trust has been set up to show love and compassion through the giving of essential, practical gifts which are not provided by other sources. The Bloomers Trust supplies, wherever possible, items requested by Caseworkers for vulnerable women and babies whom they are supporting. This includes; push chairs, moses baskets, high chairs, cots etc. These items will be second hand goods of the highest quality. This will also include items purchased new which are considered as essentials for parents including; toiletries, cot mattresses, car seats and breast pumps.

The Bloomers Trust supplies, wherever possible, items requested by Caseworkers for vulnerable parents whom they are supporting. This includes: Clothing, Push chairs, Moses Baskets, Breast Pumps, Car Seats, High chairs, etc. These items will be second hand goods of the highest quality, or where necessary we will purchase brand new.
Our Mission
To provide essential baby items to small families where a parent is a survivor or Sexual Exploitation, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault.

Our Vision
That no parent goes without the essential items to raise a child.